“Know Your Rights” mural painted by Dasic Fernandez

This one hurts my heart. Irving and Gates used to be home to the “Know Your Rights” mural, painted by artist Dasic Fernandez. As you can see from the photo, it’s a dope aesthetic. But more importantly than that, it was informative. The crux of the mural is educating community members about their right to record police activity, as well as tenant and student rights. The mural was buffed when the rights to the vacant lot in front of it were sold for another residential development, slated to be completed in 2022.


From this rooftop

I see babies growing to adolescents 

Growing to dream chasers

Going against the odds and winning

Strong bones and spirits

Nursed by grandma’s pots of chicken


From this roof

I see Bushwick youth turning corners

And blocks

And they’ve never forgot

Where they come from


718 Unlimited Barber Shop


Maria Hernandez Mural